
[02/2024] One paper about causal representation for safe autonomous driving accepted by RA-L, expected to present in IROS 2024!

[01/2024] One paper about hierarchical RL for generalizable robotic assembly accepted by ICRA 2024!

[05/2023] Starting summer research intern at optimization and robotics team of MERL!

[09/2022] I’ve passed my qualification and become a PhD candidate. I’m so grateful for everyone’s help from SafeAI Lab!

[09/2022] One paper about causality and goal-conditioned RL accepted by NeurIPS 2022, congratulations to Wenhao!

[09/2022] One paper about causality and generative model accepted by CoRL 2022, congratulations to Wenhao!

[03/2022] One paper about controllable generative model accepted by CVPR 2022, congratulations to Huajie!